GemPy API¶
Compute the geological model given the provided GemPy model. |
Initializes and returns a GeoModel instance with specified parameters. |
Map stack (series) to surfaces by reorganizing elements between groups in a GeoModel's structural frame. |
Creates a list of StructuralElements from a BoreholeSet. |
Sets the topography of the grid using a randomly generated topography. |
Sets the fault relations in the structural frame of the GeoModel. |
Sets given groups as fault in the structural frame of the GeoModel. |
Add surface points to the geological model. |
Add orientation data to the geological model. |
Modifies specified fields of all surface points in the structural frame. |
Modifies specified fields of all orientations in the structural frame. |
Plot 2-D sections of the geomodel. |
Plot 3-D geomodel. |
Data Classes¶
Modeling Classes¶
Class representing a geological model. |
Represents a structural frame, which is a collection of structural groups that constitute a geological model. |
An abstract base class that represents a structural group within a geological model. |
Class that represents a structural element in a geological model. |
A dataclass to represent a table of surface points in a geological model. |
A dataclass to represent a table of orientations in a geological model. |
Object to include topography in the model. |
Helper Classes¶
Object that handles the color management. |
An enumeration. |
An enumeration. |
An enumeration. |
An enumeration. |