1.7: 3-D Visualization

Importing GemPy

import gempy as gp
import gempy_viewer as gpv
from gempy import generate_example_model
from gempy.core.data.enumerators import ExampleModel

# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = -1

Loading an example geomodel

Surface points hash:  8c72af50fc56389b620c6458a6af23915b121b5e655b3ce179a790636dc529a5
Orientations hash:  87cf30b08b5be03b38c5e6d288fa7bb8855263704efb62c7c3cd77673eaae96d
Setting Backend To: AvailableBackends.numpy
Chunking done: 19 chunks
Chunking done: 36 chunks
Chunking done: 34 chunks
Setting Backend To: AvailableBackends.numpy
Chunking done: 19 chunks
Chunking done: 36 chunks
Chunking done: 34 chunks
Solutions: 6 Octree Levels, 8 DualContouringMeshes

Basic plotting API

Data plot

ch1 7 3d visualization
<gempy_viewer.modules.plot_3d.vista.GemPyToVista object at 0x7fda58f593f0>

Geomodel plot

gpv.plot_3d(geo_model, image=False)
ch1 7 3d visualization
<gempy_viewer.modules.plot_3d.vista.GemPyToVista object at 0x7fda58f58220>

LiquidEarth Integration

Beyond the classical plotting capabilities introduced in GemPy v3, users can now also upload models to LiquidEarth. LiquidEarth is a collaborative platform designed for 3D visualization, developed by many of the main gempy maintainers, with a strong focus on collaboration and sharing. This makes it an excellent tool for sharing your models with others and viewing them across different platforms. To upload a model to LiquidEarth, you must have an account and a user token. Once your model is uploaded, you can easily share the link with anyone.

link = gpv.plot_to_liquid_earth(
    user_token="le-200fc6e0a15b4663b74dde7125493958lUdjsI7XqKMCFFDS1Nk01mnCqNHZ7nlti44ezWtqOYA",  # If None, it will try to grab it from the environment

print(f"Generated Link: {link}")
Error uploading files: too many values to unpack (expected 2)
Generated Link: https://liquidearth.app.link/8d3223a5-3b2e-4189-a7d6-b388e91d7287

Now we can use this link to visualize the model in Liquid Earth.


Total running time of the script: (4 minutes 26.246 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery