Source code for
import pprint
import warnings
from enum import Enum, auto
from typing import Optional, Union
import numpy as np
from dataclasses import dataclass
class TransformOpsOrder(Enum):
TRS = auto() # * The order of the transformations is: scale, rotation, translation
SRT = auto() # * The order of the transformations is: translation, rotation, scale
class GlobalAnisotropy(Enum):
CUBE = auto() # * Transform data to be as close as possible to a cube
NONE = auto() # * Do not transform data
MANUAL = auto() # * Use the user defined transform
class Transform:
position: np.ndarray
rotation: np.ndarray
scale: np.ndarray
_is_default_transform: bool = False
_cached_pivot: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
def __repr__(self):
return pprint.pformat(self.__dict__)
def __post_init__(self):
assert self.position.shape == (3,)
assert self.rotation.shape == (3,)
assert self.scale.shape == (3,)
def __add__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Transform):
raise ValueError("Both objects must be an instance of Transform")
new_position = self.position + other.position
new_rotation = self.rotation + other.rotation
new_scale = self.scale * other.scale
return Transform(new_position, new_rotation, new_scale)
def init_neutral(cls):
t = cls(position=np.zeros(3), rotation=np.zeros(3), scale=np.ones(3))
t._cached_pivot = np.zeros(3)
return t
def from_matrix(cls, matrix: np.ndarray):
assert matrix.shape == (4, 4)
position = matrix[:3, 3]
rotation_radians = np.array([
np.arctan2(matrix[2, 1], matrix[2, 2]),
np.arctan2(-matrix[2, 0], np.sqrt(matrix[2, 1] ** 2 + matrix[2, 2] ** 2)),
np.arctan2(matrix[1, 0], matrix[0, 0])
rotation_degrees = np.degrees(rotation_radians)
scale = np.array([
np.linalg.norm(matrix[0, :3]),
np.linalg.norm(matrix[1, :3]),
np.linalg.norm(matrix[2, :3])
return cls(position, rotation_degrees, scale)
def cached_pivot(self):
return self._cached_pivot
def cached_pivot(self, pivot: np.ndarray):
self._cached_pivot = pivot
def from_input_points(cls, surface_points: '', orientations: '') -> 'Transform':
input_points_xyz = np.concatenate([,], axis=0)
if input_points_xyz.shape[0] == 0:
transform = cls(position=np.zeros(3), rotation=np.zeros(3), scale=np.ones(3))
transform._is_default_transform = True
return transform
max_coord = np.max(input_points_xyz, axis=0)
min_coord = np.min(input_points_xyz, axis=0)
# Compute the range for each dimension
range_coord = 2 * (max_coord - min_coord)
# Avoid division by zero; replace zero with a small number
range_coord = np.where(range_coord == 0, 1e-10, range_coord)
# The scaling factor for each dimension is the inverse of its range
scaling_factors = 1 / range_coord
# ! Be careful with toy models
center: np.ndarray = (max_coord + min_coord) / 2
return cls(
anisotropic_limit=np.array([1, 1, 1]) # ! Increase this number to auto anisotropy
def apply_anisotropy(self, anisotropy_type: GlobalAnisotropy, anisotropy_limit: Optional[np.ndarray] = None):
if anisotropy_type == GlobalAnisotropy.CUBE:
message="Interpolation is being done with the default transform. "
"If you do not know what you are doing you should probably call GeoModel.update_transform() first.",
elif anisotropy_type == GlobalAnisotropy.NONE:
self.scale = self._adjust_scale_to_limit_ratio(
anisotropic_limit=np.array([1, 1, 1]) # ! Increase this number to auto anisotropy
elif anisotropy_type == GlobalAnisotropy.MANUAL and anisotropy_limit is not None:
self.scale = self._adjust_scale_to_limit_ratio(
raise NotImplementedError
def _adjust_scale_to_limit_ratio(s, anisotropic_limit=np.array([10, 10, 10])):
# Calculate the ratios
ratios = [
s[0] / s[1], s[0] / s[2],
s[1] / s[0], s[1] / s[2],
s[2] / s[0], s[2] / s[1]
# Adjust the scales based on the index of the max ratio
if ratios[0] > anisotropic_limit[0]:
s[0] = s[1] * anisotropic_limit[0]
if ratios[1] > anisotropic_limit[0]:
s[0] = s[2] * anisotropic_limit[0]
if ratios[2] > anisotropic_limit[1]:
s[1] = s[0] * anisotropic_limit[1]
if ratios[3] > anisotropic_limit[1]:
s[1] = s[2] * anisotropic_limit[1]
if ratios[4] > anisotropic_limit[2]:
s[2] = s[0] * anisotropic_limit[2]
if ratios[5] > anisotropic_limit[2]:
s[2] = s[1] * anisotropic_limit[2]
return s
def _max_scale_ratio(s):
ratios = [
s[0] / s[1], s[0] / s[2],
s[1] / s[0], s[1] / s[2],
s[2] / s[0], s[2] / s[1]
return max(ratios)
def isometric_scale(self):
# TODO: double check how was done in old gempy
return 1 / np.mean(self.scale)
def get_transform_matrix(self, transform_type: TransformOpsOrder = TransformOpsOrder.SRT) -> np.ndarray:
T = np.eye(4)
R = np.eye(4)
S = np.eye(4)
T[:3, 3] = self.position
rx, ry, rz = np.radians(self.rotation)
Rx = np.array(
[[1, 0, 0],
[0, np.cos(rx), -np.sin(rx)],
[0, np.sin(rx), np.cos(rx)]]
Ry = np.array(
[[np.cos(ry), 0, np.sin(ry)],
[0, 1, 0],
[-np.sin(ry), 0, np.cos(ry)]]
Rz = np.array(
[[np.cos(rz), -np.sin(rz), 0],
[np.sin(rz), np.cos(rz), 0],
[0, 0, 1]]
R[:3, :3] = Rx @ Ry @ Rz
S[:3, :3] = np.diag(self.scale)
match transform_type:
case TransformOpsOrder.TRS:
return T @ R @ S
case TransformOpsOrder.SRT:
return S @ R @ T
case _:
raise NotImplementedError(f"Transform type {transform_type} not implemented")
def apply(self, points: np.ndarray, transform_op_order: TransformOpsOrder = TransformOpsOrder.SRT):
# * NOTE: to compare with legacy we would have to add 0.5 to the coords
assert points.shape[1] == 3
if self._is_default_transform:
message="Interpolation is being done with the default transform. "
"If you do not know what you are doing you should probably call GeoModel.update_transform() first.",
homogeneous_points = np.concatenate([points, np.ones((points.shape[0], 1))], axis=1)
matrix = self.get_transform_matrix(transform_op_order)
transformed_points = (matrix @ homogeneous_points.T).T
return transformed_points[:, :3]
def scale_points(self, points: np.ndarray):
return points * self.scale
def apply_inverse(self, points: np.ndarray, transform_op_order: TransformOpsOrder = TransformOpsOrder.SRT):
# * NOTE: to compare with legacy we would have to add 0.5 to the coords
assert points.shape[1] == 3
homogeneous_points = np.concatenate([points, np.ones((points.shape[0], 1))], axis=1)
matrix = self.get_transform_matrix(transform_op_order)
inv = np.linalg.inv(matrix)
transformed_points = (inv @ homogeneous_points.T).T
return transformed_points[:, :3]
def apply_with_cached_pivot(self, points: np.ndarray, transform_op_order: TransformOpsOrder = TransformOpsOrder.SRT):
if self._cached_pivot is None:
raise ValueError("A pivot must be set before calling this method")
return self.apply_with_pivot(points, self._cached_pivot, transform_op_order)
def apply_inverse_with_cached_pivot(self, points: np.ndarray, transform_op_order: TransformOpsOrder = TransformOpsOrder.SRT):
if self._cached_pivot is None:
raise ValueError("A pivot must be set before calling this method")
return self.apply_inverse_with_pivot(points, self._cached_pivot, transform_op_order)
def apply_with_pivot(self, points: np.ndarray, pivot: np.ndarray,
transform_op_order: TransformOpsOrder = TransformOpsOrder.SRT):
"""These are used for ellipsoids for finite faults"""
assert points.shape[1] == 3
if self._is_default_transform:
message="Interpolation is being done with the default transform. "
"If you do not know what you are doing you should probably call GeoModel.update_transform() first.",
# Translation matrices to and from the pivot
T_to_origin = self._translation_matrix(-pivot[0], -pivot[1], -pivot[2])
T_back = self._translation_matrix(*pivot)
# Construct the transformation matrix with the pivot
M = T_back @ self.get_transform_matrix(transform_op_order) @ T_to_origin
homogeneous_points = np.concatenate([points, np.ones((points.shape[0], 1))], axis=1)
transformed_points = (M @ homogeneous_points.T).T
return transformed_points[:, :3]
def apply_inverse_with_pivot(self, points: np.ndarray, pivot: np.ndarray,
transform_op_order: TransformOpsOrder = TransformOpsOrder.SRT):
assert points.shape[1] == 3
# Translation matrices to and from the pivot
T_to_origin = self._translation_matrix(-pivot[0], -pivot[1], -pivot[2])
T_back = self._translation_matrix(*pivot)
# Construct the inverse transformation matrix with the pivot
M_inv = np.linalg.inv(T_back @ self.get_transform_matrix(transform_op_order) @ T_to_origin)
homogeneous_points = np.concatenate([points, np.ones((points.shape[0], 1))], axis=1)
transformed_points = (M_inv @ homogeneous_points.T).T
return transformed_points[:, :3]
def _translation_matrix(tx, ty, tz):
return np.array([
[1, 0, 0, tx],
[0, 1, 0, ty],
[0, 0, 1, tz],
[0, 0, 0, 1]
def transform_gradient(self, gradients: np.ndarray, transform_op_order: TransformOpsOrder = TransformOpsOrder.SRT,
preserve_magnitude: bool = True) -> np.ndarray:
assert gradients.shape[1] == 3
# Extract the 3x3 upper-left section of the transformation matrix
transformation_3x3 = self.get_transform_matrix(transform_op_order)[:3, :3]
# Compute the inverse transpose of this 3x3 matrix
inv_trans_3x3 = np.linalg.inv(transformation_3x3).T
# Multiply the gradients by this inverse transpose matrix
transformed_gradients = (inv_trans_3x3 @ gradients.T).T
if preserve_magnitude:
# Compute the magnitude of the original gradients
gradient_magnitudes = np.linalg.norm(gradients, axis=1)
# Compute the magnitude of the transformed gradients
transformed_gradient_magnitudes = np.linalg.norm(transformed_gradients, axis=1)
# Compute the ratio between the two magnitudes
magnitude_ratio = transformed_gradient_magnitudes / gradient_magnitudes
# Multiply the transformed gradients by this ratio
transformed_gradients /= magnitude_ratio[:, None]
return transformed_gradients