Source code for gempy.core.grid_modules.grid_types

from gempy.core.grid_modules.create_topography import LoadDEMArtificial, LoadDEMGDAL
import numpy as np
import skimage.transform
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.constants import G
from scipy import interpolate
from gempy.utils.meta import _setdoc_pro
import gempy.utils.docstring as ds
import pandas as pn

[docs]class RegularGrid: """ Class with the methods and properties to manage 3D regular grids where the model will be interpolated. Args: extent (np.ndarray): [x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max] resolution (np.ndarray): [nx, ny, nz] Attributes: extent (np.ndarray): [x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max] resolution (np.ndarray): [nx, ny, nz] values (np.ndarray): XYZ coordinates mask_topo (np.ndarray, dtype=bool): same shape as values. Values above the topography are False dx (float): size of the cells on x dy (float): size of the cells on y dz (float): size of the cells on z """
[docs] def __init__(self, extent=None, resolution=None, **kwargs): self.resolution = np.ones((0, 3), dtype='int64') self.extent = np.zeros(6, dtype='float64') self.extent_r = np.zeros(6, dtype='float64') self.values = np.zeros((0, 3)) self.values_r = np.zeros((0, 3)) self.mask_topo = np.zeros((0, 3), dtype=bool) self.x = None self.y = None self.z = None if extent is not None and resolution is not None: self.set_regular_grid(extent, resolution) self.dx, self.dy, = self.get_dx_dy_dz()
def set_coord(self, extent, resolution): dx = (extent[1] - extent[0]) / resolution[0] dy = (extent[3] - extent[2]) / resolution[1] dz = (extent[5] - extent[4]) / resolution[2] self.x = np.linspace(extent[0] + dx / 2, extent[1] - dx / 2, resolution[0], dtype="float64") self.y = np.linspace(extent[2] + dy / 2, extent[3] - dy / 2, resolution[1], dtype="float64") self.z = np.linspace(extent[4] + dz / 2, extent[5] - dz / 2, resolution[2], dtype="float64") return self.x, self.y, self.z
[docs] def create_regular_grid_3d(self, extent, resolution): """ Method to create a 3D regular grid where is interpolated Args: extent (list): [x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max] resolution (list): [nx, ny, nz]. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Unraveled 3D numpy array where every row correspond to the xyz coordinates of a regular grid """ coords = self.set_coord(extent, resolution) g = np.meshgrid(*coords, indexing="ij") values = np.vstack(tuple(map(np.ravel, g))).T.astype("float64") return values
def get_dx_dy_dz(self, rescale=False): if rescale is True: dx = (self.extent_r[1] - self.extent_r[0]) / self.resolution[0] dy = (self.extent_r[3] - self.extent_r[2]) / self.resolution[1] dz = (self.extent_r[5] - self.extent_r[4]) / self.resolution[2] else: dx = (self.extent[1] - self.extent[0]) / self.resolution[0] dy = (self.extent[3] - self.extent[2]) / self.resolution[1] dz = (self.extent[5] - self.extent[4]) / self.resolution[2] return dx, dy, dz
[docs] def set_regular_grid(self, extent, resolution): """ Set a regular grid into the values parameters for further computations Args: extent (list, np.ndarry): [x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max] resolution (list, np.ndarray): [nx, ny, nz] """ self.extent = np.asarray(extent, dtype='float64') self.resolution = np.asarray(resolution) self.values = self.create_regular_grid_3d(extent, resolution) self.length = self.values.shape[0] self.dx, self.dy, = self.get_dx_dy_dz() return self.values
[docs] def set_topography_mask(self, topography): """This method takes a topography grid of the same extent as the regular grid and creates a mask of voxels Args: topography (:class:`gempy.core.grid_modules.topography.Topography`): Returns: """ assert np.array_equal(topography.extent, self.extent), 'The extent of' \ 'the topography must match to the extent of the regular grid.' # interpolate topography values to the regular grid regular_grid_topo = skimage.transform.resize( topography.values_2d, (self.resolution[0], self.resolution[1]), mode='constant', anti_aliasing=False, preserve_range=True) # Reshape the Z values of the regular grid to 3d values_3d = self.values[:, 2].reshape(self.resolution) if regular_grid_topo.ndim == 3: regular_grid_topo_z = regular_grid_topo[:, :, [2]] elif regular_grid_topo.ndim == 2: regular_grid_topo_z = regular_grid_topo else: raise ValueError() mask = np.greater(values_3d[:, :, :], regular_grid_topo_z) self.mask_topo = mask return self.mask_topo
[docs]class Sections: """ Object that creates a grid of cross sections between two points. Args: regular_grid: Model.grid.regular_grid section_dict: {'section name': ([p1_x, p1_y], [p2_x, p2_y], [xyres, zres])} """
[docs] def __init__(self, regular_grid=None, z_ext=None, section_dict=None): if regular_grid is not None: self.z_ext = regular_grid.extent[4:] else: self.z_ext = z_ext self.section_dict = section_dict self.names = [] self.points = [] self.resolution = [] self.length = [0] self.dist = [] self.df = pn.DataFrame() self.df['dist'] = self.dist self.values = [] self.extent = None if section_dict is not None: self.set_sections(section_dict)
def _repr_html_(self): return self.df.to_html() def __repr__(self): return self.df.to_string() def show(self): pass def set_sections(self, section_dict, regular_grid=None, z_ext=None): self.section_dict = section_dict if regular_grid is not None: self.z_ext = regular_grid.extent[4:] self.names = np.array(list(self.section_dict.keys())) self.get_section_params() self.calculate_all_distances() self.df = pn.DataFrame.from_dict(self.section_dict, orient='index', columns=['start', 'stop', 'resolution']) self.df['dist'] = self.dist self.compute_section_coordinates() def get_section_params(self): self.points = [] self.resolution = [] self.length = [0] for i, section in enumerate(self.names): points = [self.section_dict[section][0], self.section_dict[section][1]] assert points[0] != points[ 1], 'The start and end points of the section must not be identical.' self.points.append(points) self.resolution.append(self.section_dict[section][2]) self.length = np.append(self.length, self.section_dict[section][2][0] * self.section_dict[section][2][1]) self.length = np.array(self.length).cumsum() def calculate_all_distances(self): self.coordinates = np.array(self.points).ravel().reshape(-1, 4) # axis are x1,y1,x2,y2 self.dist = np.sqrt(np.diff(self.coordinates[:, [0, 2]]) ** 2 + np.diff( self.coordinates[:, [1, 3]]) ** 2) @staticmethod def distance_2_points(p1, p2): return np.sqrt(np.diff((p1[0], p2[0])) ** 2 + np.diff((p1[1], p2[1])) ** 2) def compute_section_coordinates(self): for i in range(len(self.names)): xy = self.calculate_line_coordinates_2points(self.coordinates[i, :2], self.coordinates[i, 2:], self.resolution[i][0]) zaxis = np.linspace(self.z_ext[0], self.z_ext[1], self.resolution[i][1], dtype="float64") X, Z = np.meshgrid(xy[:, 0], zaxis, indexing='ij') Y, _ = np.meshgrid(xy[:, 1], zaxis, indexing='ij') xyz = np.vstack((X.flatten(), Y.flatten(), Z.flatten())).T if i == 0: self.values = xyz else: self.values = np.vstack((self.values, xyz)) def generate_axis_coord(self): for i, name in enumerate(self.names): xy = self.calculate_line_coordinates_2points( self.coordinates[i, :2], self.coordinates[i, 2:], self.resolution[i][0] ) yield name, xy def calculate_line_coordinates_2points(self, p1, p2, res): if isinstance(p1, list): p1 = np.array(p1) if isinstance(p2, list): p2 = np.array(p2) v = p2 - p1 # vector pointing from p1 to p2 u = v / np.linalg.norm(v) # normalize it distance = self.distance_2_points(p1, p2) steps = np.linspace(0, distance, res) values = p1.reshape(2, 1) + u.reshape(2, 1) * steps.ravel() return values.T def get_section_args(self, section_name: str): where = np.where(self.names == section_name)[0][0] return self.length[where], self.length[where + 1] def get_section_grid(self, section_name: str): l0, l1 = self.get_section_args(section_name) return self.values[l0:l1]
[docs] @staticmethod def interpolate_zvals_at_xy(xy, topography, method='interp2d'): """ Interpolates DEM values on a defined section Args: xy: x (EW) and y (NS) coordinates of the profile topography (:class:`gempy.core.grid_modules.topography.Topography`) method: interpolation method, 'interp2d' for cubic scipy.interpolate.interp2d 'spline' for scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline Returns: numpy.ndarray: z values, i.e. topography along the profile """ xj = topography.values_2d[:, 0, 0] yj = topography.values_2d[0, :, 1] zj = topography.values_2d[:, :, 2] if method == 'interp2d': f = interpolate.interp2d(xj, yj, zj.T, kind='cubic') zi = f(xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1]) if xy[:, 0][0] <= xy[:, 0][-1] and xy[:, 1][0] <= xy[:, 1][-1]: return np.diag(zi) else: return np.flipud(zi).diagonal() else: assert xy[:, 0][0] <= xy[:, 0][ -1], 'The xy values of the first point must be smaller than second.' \ 'Please use interp2d as method argument. Will be fixed.' assert xy[:, 1][0] <= xy[:, 1][ -1], 'The xy values of the first point must be smaller than second.' \ 'Please use interp2d as method argument. Will be fixed.' f = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(xj, yj, zj) zi = f(xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1]) return np.flipud(zi).diagonal()
[docs]class CustomGrid: """Object that contains arbitrary XYZ coordinates. Args: custom_grid (numpy.ndarray like): XYZ (in columns) of the desired coordinates Attributes: values (np.ndarray): XYZ coordinates """
[docs] def __init__(self, custom_grid: np.ndarray): self.values = np.zeros((0, 3)) self.set_custom_grid(custom_grid)
[docs] def set_custom_grid(self, custom_grid: np.ndarray): """ Give the coordinates of an external generated grid Args: custom_grid (numpy.ndarray like): XYZ (in columns) of the desired coordinates Returns: numpy.ndarray: Unraveled 3D numpy array where every row correspond to the xyz coordinates of a regular grid """ custom_grid = np.atleast_2d(custom_grid) assert type(custom_grid) is np.ndarray and custom_grid.shape[1] == 3, \ 'The shape of new grid must be (n,3) where n is the number of' \ ' points of the grid' self.values = custom_grid self.length = self.values.shape[0] return self.values
[docs]class CenteredGrid: """ Logarithmic spaced grid. """
[docs] def __init__(self, centers=None, radius=None, resolution=None): self.grid_type = 'centered_grid' self.values = np.empty((0, 3)) self.length = self.values.shape[0] self.resolution = resolution self.kernel_centers = np.empty((0, 3)) self.kernel_dxyz_left = np.empty((0, 3)) self.kernel_dxyz_right = np.empty((0, 3)) = np.empty(0) if centers is not None and radius is not None: if resolution is None: resolution = [10, 10, 20] self.set_centered_grid(centers=centers, radius=radius, resolution=resolution)
[docs] @staticmethod @_setdoc_pro(ds.resolution) def create_irregular_grid_kernel(resolution, radius): """ Create an isometric grid kernel (centered at 0) Args: resolution: [s0] radius (float): Maximum distance of the kernel Returns: tuple: center of the voxel, left edge of each voxel (for xyz), right edge of each voxel (for xyz). """ if radius is not list or radius is not np.ndarray: radius = np.repeat(radius, 3) g_ = [] g_2 = [] d_ = [] for xyz in [0, 1, 2]: if xyz == 2: # Make the grid only negative for the z axis g_.append(np.geomspace(0.01, 1, int(resolution[xyz]))) g_2.append( (np.concatenate(([0], g_[xyz])) + 0.05) * - radius[xyz] * 1.2) else: g_.append(np.geomspace(0.01, 1, int(resolution[xyz] / 2))) g_2.append( np.concatenate((-g_[xyz][::-1], [0], g_[xyz])) * radius[xyz]) d_.append(np.diff(np.pad(g_2[xyz], 1, 'reflect', reflect_type='odd'))) g = np.meshgrid(*g_2) d_left = np.meshgrid(d_[0][:-1] / 2, d_[1][:-1] / 2, d_[2][:-1] / 2) d_right = np.meshgrid(d_[0][1:] / 2, d_[1][1:] / 2, d_[2][1:] / 2) kernel_g = np.vstack(tuple(map(np.ravel, g))).T.astype("float64") kernel_d_left = np.vstack(tuple(map(np.ravel, d_left))).T.astype("float64") kernel_d_right = np.vstack(tuple(map(np.ravel, d_right))).T.astype("float64") return kernel_g, kernel_d_left, kernel_d_right
[docs] @_setdoc_pro(ds.resolution) def set_centered_kernel(self, resolution, radius): """ Set a centered Args: resolution: [s0] radius (float): Maximum distance of the kernel Returns: """ self.kernel_centers, self.kernel_dxyz_left, self.kernel_dxyz_right = self.create_irregular_grid_kernel( resolution, radius) return self.kernel_centers
[docs] @_setdoc_pro(ds.resolution) def set_centered_grid(self, centers, kernel_centers=None, **kwargs): """ Main method of the class, set the XYZ values around centers using a kernel. Args: centers (np.array): XYZ array with the centers of where we want to create a grid around kernel_centers (Optional[np.array]): center of the voxels of a desired kernel. **kwargs: * resolution: [s0] * radius (float): Maximum distance of the kernel Returns: """ self.values = np.empty((0, 3)) centers = np.atleast_2d(centers) if kernel_centers is None: kernel_centers = self.set_centered_kernel(**kwargs) assert centers.shape[ 1] == 3, 'Centers must be a numpy array that contains the coordinates XYZ' for i in centers: self.values = np.vstack((self.values, i + kernel_centers)) self.length = self.values.shape[0]
def set_tz_kernel(self, **kwargs): if self.kernel_centers.size == 0: self.set_centered_kernel(**kwargs) grid_values = self.kernel_centers s_gr_x = grid_values[:, 0] s_gr_y = grid_values[:, 1] s_gr_z = grid_values[:, 2] # getting the coordinates of the corners of the voxel... x_cor = np.stack((s_gr_x - self.kernel_dxyz_left[:, 0], s_gr_x + self.kernel_dxyz_right[:, 0]), axis=1) y_cor = np.stack((s_gr_y - self.kernel_dxyz_left[:, 1], s_gr_y + self.kernel_dxyz_right[:, 1]), axis=1) z_cor = np.stack((s_gr_z - self.kernel_dxyz_left[:, 2], s_gr_z + self.kernel_dxyz_right[:, 2]), axis=1) # ...and prepare them for a vectorial op x_matrix = np.repeat(x_cor, 4, axis=1) y_matrix = np.tile(np.repeat(y_cor, 2, axis=1), (1, 2)) z_matrix = np.tile(z_cor, (1, 4)) s_r = np.sqrt(x_matrix ** 2 + y_matrix ** 2 + z_matrix ** 2) # This is the vector that determines the sign of the corner of the voxel mu = np.array([1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1]) = ( np.sum(- 1 * G * mu * ( x_matrix * np.log(y_matrix + s_r) + y_matrix * np.log(x_matrix + s_r) - z_matrix * np.arctan( x_matrix * y_matrix / (z_matrix * s_r))), axis=1)) return
# class Topography: # """ # Object to include topography in the model. # """ # def __init__(self, regular_grid): # self.regular_grid = regular_grid # self.values = np.zeros((0, 3)) # # self.topo = None # self.values_3D = np.zeros((0, 0, 0)) # self.extent = None # self.resolution = None # # self.type = None # # def load_from_gdal(self, filepath): # self.topo = Load_DEM_GDAL(filepath, self.regular_grid) # self._create_init() # self._fit2model() # self.type = 'real' # # def load_random_hills(self, **kwargs): # self.topo = LoadDEMArtificial(self.regular_grid, **kwargs) # self._create_init() # self._fit2model() # self.type = 'artificial' # # def load_from_saved(self, filepath): # assert filepath[-4:] == '.npy', 'The file must end on .npy' # topo = np.load(filepath, allow_pickle=True) # self.values_3D = topo[0] # self.extent = topo[1] # self.resolution = topo[2] # self._fit2model() # self.type = 'real' # # def _create_init(self): # self.values_3D = self.topo.values_3D # self.extent = self.topo.extent # self.resolution = self.topo.resolution # # # These two methods makes more sense in regular grid passing a topography # # object. # def _fit2model(self): # self.values = np.vstack(( # self.values_3D[:, :, 0].ravel(), self.values_3D[:, :, 1].ravel(), # self.values_3D[:, :, 2].ravel())).T.astype("float64") # # if np.any(self.regular_grid.extent[:4] - self.extent) != 0: # print('obacht') # # todo if grid extent bigger fill missing values with nans for chloe # self._crop() # # if np.any(self.regular_grid.resolution[:2] - self.resolution) != 0: # self._resize() # else: # self.values_3D_res = self.values_3D # # self.regular_grid.mask_topo = self._create_grid_mask() # # def _crop(self): # pass # # def _resize(self): # self.values_3D_res = skimage.transform.resize(self.values_3D, # (self.regular_grid.resolution[0], self.regular_grid.resolution[1]), # mode='constant', # anti_aliasing=False, preserve_range=True) # # def show(self): # from gempy.plot.helpers import add_colorbar # if self.type == 'artificial': # fig, ax = plt.subplots() # CS= ax.contour(self.values_3D[:, :, 2], extent=(self.extent[:4]), colors='k', linestyles='solid') # ax.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10, fmt='%d') # CS2 = ax.contourf(self.values_3D[:, :, 2], extent=(self.extent[:4]), cmap='terrain') # add_colorbar(axes=ax, label='elevation [m]', cs=CS2) # else: # im = plt.imshow(np.flipud(self.values_3D[:,:,2]), extent=(self.extent[:4])) # add_colorbar(im=im, label='elevation [m]') # plt.axis('scaled') # plt.xlabel('X') # plt.ylabel('Y') # plt.title('Model topography') # # def save(self, filepath): # """ # Save the topography file in a numpy array which can be loaded later, to avoid the gdal process. # Args: # filepath (str): path where the array should be stored. # # Returns: # # """ #, np.array([self.values_3D, self.extent, self.resolution])) # print('saved') # # def _create_grid_mask(self): # ind = self._find_indices() # gridz = self.regular_grid.values[:, 2].reshape(*self.regular_grid.resolution).copy() # for x in range(self.regular_grid.resolution[0]): # for y in range(self.regular_grid.resolution[1]): # z = ind[x, y] # gridz[x, y, z:] = 99999 # mask = (gridz == 99999) # return mask# np.multiply(np.full(self.regular_grid.values.shape, True).T, mask.ravel()).T # # def _find_indices(self): # zs = np.linspace(self.regular_grid.extent[4], self.regular_grid.extent[5], self.regular_grid.resolution[2]) # dz = (zs[-1] - zs[0]) / len(zs) # return ((self.values_3D_res[:, :, 2] - zs[0]) / dz + 1).astype(int) # # def interpolate_zvals_at_xy(self, xy, method='interp2d'): # """ # Interpolates DEM values on a defined section # # Args: # :param xy: x (EW) and y (NS) coordinates of the profile # :param method: interpolation method, 'interp2d' for cubic scipy.interpolate.interp2d # 'spline' for scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline # Returns: # :return: z values, i.e. topography along the profile # """ # xj = self.values_3D[:, :, 0][0, :] # yj = self.values_3D[:, :, 1][:, 0] # zj = self.values_3D[:, :, 2] # # if method == 'interp2d': # f = interpolate.interp2d(xj, yj, zj, kind='cubic') # zi = f(xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1]) # if xy[:, 0][0] <= xy[:, 0][-1] and xy[:, 1][0] <= xy[:, 1][-1]: # return np.diag(zi) # else: # return np.flipud(zi).diagonal() # else: # assert xy[:, 0][0] <= xy[:, 0][-1], 'The xy values of the first point must be smaller than second.' \ # 'Please use interp2d as method argument. Will be fixed.' # assert xy[:, 1][0] <= xy[:, 1][-1], 'The xy values of the first point must be smaller than second.' \ # 'Please use interp2d as method argument. Will be fixed.' # f = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(xj, yj, zj) # zi = f(xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1]) # return np.flipud(zi).diagonal()