Source code for gempy.core.data_modules.geometric_data

import copy
import sys
import warnings
from typing import Union, Iterable

import numpy as np
import pandas as pn

from import Surfaces, Grid

from gempy.core.checkers import check_for_nans
from gempy.utils import docstring as ds
from gempy.utils.meta import _setdoc_pro, _setdoc

class GeometricData(object):
    Parent class of the objects which containing the input parameters: surface_points and orientations. This class
     contain the common methods for both types of data sets.

        surfaces (:class:`Surfaces`): [s0]

        surfaces (:class:`Surfaces`)
        df (:class:`pn.DataFrame`): Pandas DataFrame containing all the properties of each individual data point i.e.
        surface points and orientations

    def __init__(self, surfaces: Surfaces):

        self.surfaces = surfaces
        self.df = pn.DataFrame()

    def __repr__(self):
        c_ = self._columns_rend
        return self.df[c_].to_string()

    def _repr_html_(self):
        c_ = self._columns_rend
        return self.df[c_].to_html()

    def init_dependent_properties(self):
        """Set the defaults values to the columns before gets mapped with the the :class:`Surfaces` attribute. This
        method will get invoked for example when we add a new point."""

        # series
        self.df['series'] = 'Default series'
        self.df['series'] = self.df['series'].astype('category', copy=True)
        #self.df['order_series'] = self.df['order_series'].astype('category', copy=True)

        self.df['series'].cat.set_categories(self.surfaces.df['series'].cat.categories, inplace=True)

        # id
        self.df['id'] = np.nan

        # order_series
        self.df['order_series'] = 1
        return self

    @_setdoc(pn.read_csv.__doc__, indent=False)
    def read_data(file_path, **kwargs):
        if 'sep' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['sep'] = ','

        table = pn.read_csv(file_path, **kwargs)
        return table

    def sort_table(self):
        First we sort the dataframes by the series age. Then we set a unique number for every surface and resort
        the surfaces. All inplace

        # We order the pandas table by surface (also by series in case something weird happened)
        self.df.sort_values(by=['order_series', 'id'],
                            ascending=True, kind='mergesort',
        return self.df

   # @_setdoc_pro(Series.__doc__)
    def set_series_categories_from_series(self, series):
        """set the series categorical columns with the series index of the passed :class:`Series`

            series (:class:`Series`): [s0]
        self.df['series'].cat.set_categories(series.df.index, inplace=True)
        return True

    def update_series_category(self):
        """Update the series categorical columns with the series categories of the :class:`Surfaces` attribute."""
        self.df['series'].cat.set_categories(self.surfaces.df['series'].cat.categories, inplace=True)

        return True

    def set_surface_categories_from_surfaces(self, surfaces: Surfaces):
        """set the series categorical columns with the series index of the passed :class:`Series`.

            surfaces (:class:`Surfaces`): [s0]


        self.df['surface'].cat.set_categories(surfaces.df['surface'], inplace=True)
        return True

   # @_setdoc_pro(Series.__doc__)
    def map_data_from_series(self, series, attribute: str, idx=None):
        Map columns from the :class:`Series` data frame to a :class:`GeometricData` data frame.

            series (:class:`Series`): [s0]
            attribute (str): column to be mapped from the :class:`Series` to the :class:`GeometricData`.
            idx (Optional[int, list[int]): If passed, list of indices of the :class:`GeometricData` that will be mapped.

        if idx is None:
            idx = self.df.index

        idx = np.atleast_1d(idx)
        if attribute in ['id', 'order_series']:
            self.df.loc[idx, attribute] = self.df['series'].map(series.df[attribute]).astype(int)

            self.df.loc[idx, attribute] = self.df['series'].map(series.df[attribute])

        if type(self.df['order_series'].dtype) is pn.CategoricalDtype:

        return self

    def map_data_from_surfaces(self, surfaces, attribute: str, idx=None):
        Map columns from the :class:`Series` data frame to a :class:`GeometricData` data frame.
        Properties of surfaces: series, id, values.

            surfaces (:class:`Surfaces`): [s0]
            attribute (str): column to be mapped from the :class:`Series` to the :class:`GeometricData`.
            idx (Optional[int, list[int]): If passed, list of indices of the :class:`GeometricData` that will be mapped.


        if idx is None:
            idx = self.df.index
        idx = np.atleast_1d(idx)
        if attribute == 'series':
            if surfaces.df.loc[~surfaces.df['isBasement']]['series'].isna().sum() != 0:
                raise AttributeError('Surfaces does not have the correspondent series assigned. See'
            self.df.loc[idx, attribute] = self.df.loc[idx, 'surface'].map(surfaces.df.set_index('surface')[attribute])

        elif attribute in ['id', 'order_series']:
            self.df.loc[idx, attribute] = (self.df.loc[idx, 'surface'].map(surfaces.df.set_index('surface')[attribute])).astype(int)

            self.df.loc[idx, attribute] = self.df.loc[idx, 'surface'].map(surfaces.df.set_index('surface')[attribute])

    # def map_data_from_faults(self, faults, idx=None):
    #     """
    #     Method to map a df object into the data object on surfaces. Either if the surface is fault or not
    #     Args:
    #         faults (Faults):
    #     Returns:
    #         pandas.core.frame.DataFrame: Data frame with the raw data
    #     """
    #     if idx is None:
    #         idx = self.df.index
    #     idx = np.atleast_1d(idx)
    #     if any(self.df['series'].isna()):
    #         warnings.warn('Some points do not have series/fault')
    #     self.df.loc[idx, 'isFault'] = self.df.loc[[idx], 'series'].map(faults.df['isFault'])

[docs]@_setdoc_pro([Surfaces.__doc__, ds.coord, ds.surface_sp]) class SurfacePoints(GeometricData): """ Data child with specific methods to manipulate interface data. It is initialize without arguments to give flexibility to the origin of the data. Args: surfaces (:class:`Surfaces`): [s0] coord (np.ndarray): [s1] surface (list[str]): [s2] Attributes: df (:class:`pn.core.frame.DataFrames`): Pandas data frame containing the necessary information respect the surface points of the model """
[docs] def __init__(self, surfaces: Surfaces, coord=None, surface=None): super().__init__(surfaces) self._columns_i_all = ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'surface', 'series', 'X_std', 'Y_std', 'Z_std', 'order_series', 'surface_number'] self._columns_i_1 = ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'X_c', 'Y_c', 'Z_c', 'surface', 'series', 'id', 'order_series', 'isFault', 'smooth'] self._columns_rep = ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'surface', 'series'] self._columns_i_num = ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'X_c', 'Y_c', 'Z_c'] self._columns_rend = ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'smooth', 'surface'] self.set_surface_points(coord, surface) self.df['order_series'] = self.df['order_series'].astype('int') self.df['id'] = self.df['id'].astype('int')
[docs] @_setdoc_pro([ds.coord, ds.surface_sp]) def set_surface_points(self, coord: np.ndarray = None, surface: list = None): """ Set coordinates and surface columns on the df. Args: coord (np.ndarray): [s0] surface (list[str]): [s1] Returns: :class:`SurfacePoints` """ self.df = pn.DataFrame(columns=['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'X_c', 'Y_c', 'Z_c', 'surface'], dtype=float) if coord is not None and surface is not None: self.df[['X', 'Y', 'Z']] = pn.DataFrame(coord) self.df['surface'] = surface self.df['surface'] = self.df['surface'].astype('category', copy=True) self.df['surface'].cat.set_categories(self.surfaces.df['surface'].values, inplace=True) # Choose types self.init_dependent_properties() # Add nugget columns self.df['smooth'] = 2e-6 assert ~self.df['surface'].isna().any(), 'Some of the surface passed does not exist in the Formation' \ 'object. %s' % self.df['surface'][self.df['surface'].isna()] return self
[docs] @_setdoc_pro([ds.x, ds.y, ds.z, ds.surface_sp, ds.idx_sp]) def add_surface_points(self, x: Union[float, np.ndarray], y: Union[float, np.ndarray], z: Union[float, np.ndarray], surface: Union[list, np.ndarray], idx: Union[int, list, np.ndarray] = None): """ Add surface points. Args: x (float, np.ndarray): [s0] y (float, np.ndarray): [s1] z (float, np.ndarray): [s2] surface (list[str]): [s3] idx (Optional[int, list[int]): [s4] Returns: :class:`gempy.core.data_modules.geometric_data.SurfacePoints` """ max_idx = self.df.index.max() if idx is None: idx = max_idx if idx is np.nan: idx = 0 else: idx += 1 if max_idx is not np.nan: self.df.loc[idx] = self.df.loc[max_idx] coord_array = np.array([x, y, z]) assert coord_array.ndim == 1, 'Adding an interface only works one by one.' try: if self.surfaces.df.groupby('isBasement').get_group(True)['surface'].isin(surface).any(): warnings.warn('Surface Points for the basement will not be used. Maybe you are missing an extra' 'layer at the bottom of the pile.') self.df.loc[idx, ['X', 'Y', 'Z']] = coord_array.astype('float64') self.df.loc[idx, 'surface'] = surface # ToDO test this except ValueError as error: self.del_surface_points(idx) print('The surface passed does not exist in the pandas categories. This may imply that' 'does not exist in the surface object either.') raise ValueError(error) self.df.loc[idx, ['smooth']] = 1e-6 self.df['surface'] = self.df['surface'].astype('category', copy=True) self.df['surface'].cat.set_categories(self.surfaces.df['surface'].values, inplace=True) self.df['series'] = self.df['series'].astype('category', copy=True) self.df['series'].cat.set_categories(self.surfaces.df['series'].cat.categories, inplace=True) self.map_data_from_surfaces(self.surfaces, 'series', idx=idx) self.map_data_from_surfaces(self.surfaces, 'id', idx=idx) self.map_data_from_series(self.surfaces.series, 'order_series', idx=idx) self.sort_table() return self, idx
[docs] @_setdoc_pro([ds.idx_sp]) def del_surface_points(self, idx: Union[int, list, np.ndarray]): """Delete surface points. Args: idx (int, list[int]): [s0] Returns: :class:`gempy.core.data_modules.geometric_data.SurfacePoints` """ self.df.drop(idx, inplace=True) return self
[docs] @_setdoc_pro([ds.idx_sp, ds.x, ds.y, ds.z, ds.surface_sp]) def modify_surface_points(self, idx: Union[int, list, np.ndarray], **kwargs): """Allows modification of the x,y and/or z-coordinates of an interface at specified dataframe index. Args: idx (int, list, np.ndarray): [s0] **kwargs: * X: [s1] * Y: [s2] * Z: [s3] * surface: [s4] Returns: :class:`gempy.core.data_modules.geometric_data.SurfacePoints` """ idx = np.array(idx, ndmin=1) try: surface_names = kwargs.pop('surface') self.df.loc[idx, ['surface']] = surface_names self.map_data_from_surfaces(self.surfaces, 'series', idx=idx) self.map_data_from_surfaces(self.surfaces, 'id', idx=idx) self.map_data_from_series(self.surfaces.series, 'order_series', idx=idx) self.sort_table() except KeyError: pass # keys = list(kwargs.keys()) # is_surface = np.isin('surface', keys).all() # Check idx exist in the df assert np.isin(np.atleast_1d(idx), self.df.index).all(), 'Indices must exist in the' \ ' dataframe to be modified.' # Check the properties are valid assert np.isin(list(kwargs.keys()), ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'surface', 'smooth']).all(),\ 'Properties must be one or more of the following: \'X\', \'Y\', \'Z\', ' '\'surface\'' # stack properties values values = np.array(list(kwargs.values())) # If we pass multiple index we need to transpose the numpy array if type(idx) is list or type(idx) is np.ndarray: values = values.T # Selecting the properties passed to be modified if values.shape[0] == 1: values = np.repeat(values, idx.shape[0]) self.df.loc[idx, list(kwargs.keys())] = values return self
[docs] @_setdoc_pro([ds.file_path, ds.debug, ds.inplace]) def read_surface_points(self, table_source, debug=False, inplace=False, kwargs_pandas: dict = None, **kwargs, ): """ Read tabular using pandas tools and if inplace set it properly to the surface points object. Parameters: table_source (str, path object, file-like object or direct pandas data frame): [s0] debug (bool): [s1] inplace (bool): [s2] kwargs_pandas: kwargs for the panda function :func:`pn.read_csv` **kwargs: * update_surfaces (bool): If True add to the linked `Surfaces` object unique surface names read on the csv file * coord_x_name (str): Name of the header on the csv for this attribute, e.g for coord_x. Default X * coord_y_name (str): Name of the header on the csv for this attribute. Default Y. * coord_z_name (str): Name of the header on the csv for this attribute. Default Z. * surface_name (str): Name of the header on the csv for this attribute. Default formation Returns: See Also: :meth:`GeometricData.read_data` """ # TODO read by default either formation or surface if 'sep' not in kwargs: kwargs['sep'] = ',' coord_x_name = kwargs.get('coord_x_name', "X") coord_y_name = kwargs.get('coord_y_name', "Y") coord_z_name = kwargs.get('coord_z_name', "Z") surface_name = kwargs.get('surface_name', "formation") if kwargs_pandas is None: kwargs_pandas = {} if 'sep' not in kwargs_pandas: kwargs_pandas['sep'] = ',' if isinstance(table_source, pn.DataFrame): table = table_source else: table = pn.read_csv(table_source, **kwargs_pandas) if 'update_surfaces' in kwargs: if kwargs['update_surfaces'] is True: self.surfaces.add_surface(table[surface_name].unique()) if debug is True: print('Debugging activated. Changes won\'t be saved.') return table else: assert {coord_x_name, coord_y_name, coord_z_name, surface_name}.issubset(table.columns), \ "One or more columns do not match with the expected values " + str(table.columns) if inplace: c = np.array(self._columns_i_1) surface_points_read = table.assign(**dict.fromkeys(c[~np.in1d(c, table.columns)], np.nan)) self.set_surface_points(surface_points_read[[coord_x_name, coord_y_name, coord_z_name]], surface=surface_points_read[surface_name]) else: return table
[docs] def set_default_surface_points(self): """ Set a default point at the middle of the extent area to be able to start making the model """ if self.df.shape[0] == 0: self.add_surface_points(0.00001, 0.00001, 0.00001, self.surfaces.df['surface'].iloc[0]) return True
[docs] def update_annotations(self): """ Add a column in the Dataframes with latex names for each input_data paramenter. Returns: :class:`SurfacePoints` """ point_num = self.df.groupby('id').cumcount() point_l = [r'${\bf{x}}_{\alpha \,{\bf{' + str(f) + '}},' + str(p) + '}$' for p, f in zip(point_num, self.df['id'])] self.df['annotations'] = point_l return self
[docs]@_setdoc_pro([Surfaces.__doc__, ds.coord_ori, ds.surface_sp, ds.pole_vector, ds.orientations]) class Orientations(GeometricData): """ Data child with specific methods to manipulate orientation data. It is initialize without arguments to give flexibility to the origin of the data. Args: surfaces (:class:`Surfaces`): [s0] coord (np.ndarray): [s1] pole_vector (np.ndarray): [s3] orientation (np.ndarray): [s4] surface (list[str]): [s2] Attributes: df (:class:`pn.core.frame.DataFrames`): Pandas data frame containing the necessary information respect the orientations of the model """
[docs] def __init__(self, surfaces: Surfaces, coord=None, pole_vector=None, orientation=None, surface=None): super().__init__(surfaces) self._columns_o_all = ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'G_x', 'G_y', 'G_z', 'dip', 'azimuth', 'polarity', 'surface', 'series', 'id', 'order_series', 'surface_number'] self._columns_o_1 = ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'X_c', 'Y_c', 'Z_c', 'G_x', 'G_y', 'G_z', 'dip', 'azimuth', 'polarity', 'surface', 'series', 'id', 'order_series', 'isFault'] self._columns_o_num = ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'X_c', 'Y_c', 'Z_c', 'G_x', 'G_y', 'G_z', 'dip', 'azimuth', 'polarity'] self._columns_rend = ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'G_x', 'G_y', 'G_z', 'smooth', 'surface'] if (np.array(sys.version_info[:2]) <= np.array([3, 6])).all(): self.df: pn.DataFrame self.set_orientations(coord, pole_vector, orientation, surface)
[docs] @_setdoc_pro([ds.coord_ori, ds.surface_sp, ds.pole_vector, ds.orientations]) def set_orientations(self, coord: np.ndarray = None, pole_vector: np.ndarray = None, orientation: np.ndarray = None, surface: list = None): """ Set coordinates, surface and orientation data. If both are passed pole vector has priority over orientation Args: coord (np.ndarray): [s0] pole_vector (np.ndarray): [s2] orientation (np.ndarray): [s3] surface (list[str]): [s1] Returns: """ self.df = pn.DataFrame(columns=['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'X_c', 'Y_c', 'Z_c', 'G_x', 'G_y', 'G_z', 'dip', 'azimuth', 'polarity', 'surface'], dtype=float) self.df['surface'] = self.df['surface'].astype('category', copy=True) self.df['surface'].cat.set_categories(self.surfaces.df['surface'].values, inplace=True) pole_vector = check_for_nans(pole_vector) orientation = check_for_nans(orientation) if coord is not None and ((pole_vector is not None) or (orientation is not None)) and surface is not None: self.df[['X', 'Y', 'Z']] = pn.DataFrame(coord) self.df['surface'] = surface if pole_vector is not None: self.df['G_x'] = pole_vector[:, 0] self.df['G_y'] = pole_vector[:, 1] self.df['G_z'] = pole_vector[:, 2] self.calculate_orientations() if orientation is not None: warnings.warn('If pole_vector and orientation are passed pole_vector is used/') else: if orientation is not None: self.df['azimuth'] = orientation[:, 0] self.df['dip'] = orientation[:, 1] self.df['polarity'] = orientation[:, 2] self.calculate_gradient() else: raise AttributeError('At least pole_vector or orientation should have been passed to reach' 'this point. Check previous condition') self.df['surface'] = self.df['surface'].astype('category', copy=True) self.df['surface'].cat.set_categories(self.surfaces.df['surface'].values, inplace=True) self.init_dependent_properties() # Add nugget effect self.df['smooth'] = 0.01 assert ~self.df['surface'].isna().any(), 'Some of the surface passed does not exist in the Formation' \ 'object. %s' % self.df['surface'][self.df['surface'].isna()]
[docs] @_setdoc_pro([ds.x, ds.y, ds.z, ds.surface_sp, ds.pole_vector, ds.orientations, ds.idx_sp]) def add_orientation(self, x, y, z, surface, pole_vector: Union[list, tuple, np.ndarray] = None, orientation: Union[list, np.ndarray] = None, idx=None): """ Add orientation. Args: x (float, np.ndarray): [s0] y (float, np.ndarray): [s1] z (float, np.ndarray): [s2] surface (list[str], str): [s3] pole_vector (np.ndarray): [s4] orientation (np.ndarray): [s5] idx (Optional[int, list[int]): [s6] Returns: Orientations """ if pole_vector is None and orientation is None: raise AttributeError('Either pole_vector or orientation must have a value. If both are passed pole_vector' 'has preference') max_idx = self.df.index.max() if idx is None: idx = max_idx if idx is np.nan: idx = 0 else: idx += 1 if max_idx is not np.nan: self.df.loc[idx] = self.df.loc[max_idx] if pole_vector is not None: self.df.loc[idx, ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'G_x', 'G_y', 'G_z']] = np.array([x, y, z, *pole_vector], dtype=float) self.df.loc[idx, 'surface'] = surface self.calculate_orientations(idx) if orientation is not None: warnings.warn('If pole_vector and orientation are passed pole_vector is used/') else: if orientation is not None: self.df.loc[idx, ['X', 'Y', 'Z', ]] = np.array([x, y, z], dtype=float) self.df.loc[idx, ['azimuth', 'dip', 'polarity']] = np.array(orientation, dtype=float) self.df.loc[idx, 'surface'] = surface self.calculate_gradient(idx) else: raise AttributeError('At least pole_vector or orientation should have been passed to reach' 'this point. Check previous condition') self.df.loc[idx, ['smooth']] = 0.01 self.df['surface'] = self.df['surface'].astype('category', copy=True) self.df['surface'].cat.set_categories(self.surfaces.df['surface'].values, inplace=True) self.df['series'] = self.df['series'].astype('category', copy=True) self.df['series'].cat.set_categories(self.surfaces.df['series'].cat.categories, inplace=True) self.map_data_from_surfaces(self.surfaces, 'series', idx=idx) self.map_data_from_surfaces(self.surfaces, 'id', idx=idx) self.map_data_from_series(self.surfaces.series, 'order_series', idx=idx) self.sort_table() return self
[docs] @_setdoc_pro() def del_orientation(self, idx): """Delete orientation Args: idx: [s_idx_sp] Returns: :class:`gempy.core.data_modules.geometric_data.Orientations` """ self.df.drop(idx, inplace=True)
[docs] @_setdoc_pro([ds.idx_sp, ds.surface_sp]) def modify_orientations(self, idx, **kwargs): """Allows modification of any of an orientation column at a given index. Args: idx (int, list[int]): [s0] Keyword Args: * X * Y * Z * G_x * G_y * G_z * dip * azimuth * polarity * surface (str): [s1] Returns: :class:`gempy.core.data_modules.geometric_data.Orientations` """ idx = np.array(idx, ndmin=1) try: surface_names = kwargs.pop('surface') self.df.loc[idx, ['surface']] = surface_names self.map_data_from_surfaces(self.surfaces, 'series', idx=idx) self.map_data_from_surfaces(self.surfaces, 'id', idx=idx) self.map_data_from_series(self.surfaces.series, 'order_series', idx=idx) self.sort_table() except KeyError: pass # TODO Dep keys = list(kwargs.keys()) # Check idx exist in the df assert np.isin(np.atleast_1d(idx), self.df.index).all(), 'Indices must exist in the dataframe to be modified.' # Check the properties are valid assert np.isin(list(kwargs.keys()), ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'G_x', 'G_y', 'G_z', 'dip', 'azimuth', 'polarity', 'surface', 'smooth']).all(),\ 'Properties must be one or more of the following: \'X\', \'Y\', \'Z\', \'G_x\', \'G_y\', \'G_z\', \'dip,\''\ '\'azimuth\', \'polarity\', \'surface\'' # stack properties values values = np.atleast_1d(list(kwargs.values())) # If we pass multiple index we need to transpose the numpy array if type(idx) is list or type(idx) is np.ndarray: values = values.T if values.shape[0] == 1: values = np.repeat(values, idx.shape[0]) # Selecting the properties passed to be modified self.df.loc[idx, list(kwargs.keys())] = values.astype('float64') if np.isin(list(kwargs.keys()), ['G_x', 'G_y', 'G_z']).any(): self.calculate_orientations(idx) else: if np.isin(list(kwargs.keys()), ['azimuth', 'dip', 'polarity']).any(): self.calculate_gradient(idx) return self
[docs] def calculate_gradient(self, idx=None): """ Calculate the gradient vector of module 1 given dip and azimuth to be able to plot the orientations """ if idx is None: self.df['G_x'] = np.sin(np.deg2rad(self.df["dip"].astype('float'))) * \ np.sin(np.deg2rad(self.df["azimuth"].astype('float'))) * \ self.df["polarity"].astype('float') + 1e-12 self.df['G_y'] = np.sin(np.deg2rad(self.df["dip"].astype('float'))) * \ np.cos(np.deg2rad(self.df["azimuth"].astype('float'))) * \ self.df["polarity"].astype('float') + 1e-12 self.df['G_z'] = np.cos(np.deg2rad(self.df["dip"].astype('float'))) * \ self.df["polarity"].astype('float') + 1e-12 else: self.df.loc[idx, 'G_x'] = np.sin(np.deg2rad(self.df.loc[idx, "dip"].astype('float'))) * \ np.sin(np.deg2rad(self.df.loc[idx, "azimuth"].astype('float'))) * \ self.df.loc[idx, "polarity"].astype('float') + 1e-12 self.df.loc[idx, 'G_y'] = np.sin(np.deg2rad(self.df.loc[idx, "dip"].astype('float'))) * \ np.cos(np.deg2rad(self.df.loc[idx, "azimuth"].astype('float'))) * \ self.df.loc[idx, "polarity"].astype('float') + 1e-12 self.df.loc[idx, 'G_z'] = np.cos(np.deg2rad(self.df.loc[idx, "dip"].astype('float'))) * \ self.df.loc[idx, "polarity"].astype('float') + 1e-12 return True
[docs] def calculate_orientations(self, idx=None): """ Calculate and update the orientation data (azimuth and dip) from gradients in the data frame. Authors: Elisa Heim, Miguel de la Varga """ if idx is None: self.df['polarity'] = 1 self.df["dip"] = np.rad2deg(np.nan_to_num(np.arccos(self.df["G_z"] / self.df["polarity"]))) self.df["azimuth"] = np.rad2deg(np.nan_to_num(np.arctan2(self.df["G_x"] / self.df["polarity"], self.df["G_y"] / self.df["polarity"]))) self.df["azimuth"][self.df["azimuth"] < 0] += 360 # shift values from [-pi, 0] to [pi,2*pi] self.df["azimuth"][self.df["dip"] < 0.001] = 0 # because if dip is zero azimuth is undefined else: self.df.loc[idx, 'polarity'] = 1 self.df.loc[idx, "dip"] = np.rad2deg(np.nan_to_num(np.arccos(self.df.loc[idx, "G_z"] / self.df.loc[idx, "polarity"]))) self.df.loc[idx, "azimuth"] = np.rad2deg(np.nan_to_num( np.arctan2(self.df.loc[idx, "G_x"] / self.df.loc[idx, "polarity"], self.df.loc[idx, "G_y"] / self.df.loc[idx, "polarity"]))) self.df["azimuth"][self.df["azimuth"] < 0] += 360 # shift values from [-pi, 0] to [pi,2*pi] self.df["azimuth"][self.df["dip"] < 0.001] = 0 # because if dip is zero azimuth is undefined return True
[docs] @_setdoc_pro([SurfacePoints.__doc__]) def create_orientation_from_surface_points(self, surface_points: SurfacePoints, indices): # TODO test!!!! """ Create and set orientations from at least 3 points categories_df Args: surface_points (:class:`SurfacePoints`): [s0] indices (list[int]): indices of the surface point used to generate the orientation. At least 3 independent points will need to be passed. """ selected_points = surface_points.df[['X', 'Y', 'Z']].loc[indices].values.T center, normal = self.plane_fit(selected_points) orientation = self.get_orientation(normal) return np.array([*center, *orientation, *normal])
[docs] def set_default_orientation(self): """ Set a default point at the middle of the extent area to be able to start making the model """ if self.df.shape[0] == 0: self.add_orientation(.00001, .00001, .00001, self.surfaces.df['surface'].iloc[0], [0, 0, 1], )
[docs] @_setdoc_pro([ds.file_path, ds.debug, ds.inplace]) def read_orientations(self, table_source, debug=False, inplace=True, kwargs_pandas: dict = None, **kwargs): """ Read tabular using pandas tools and if inplace set it properly to the surface points object. Args: table_source (str, path object, file-like object, or direct data frame): [s0] debug (bool): [s1] inplace (bool): [s2] kwargs_pandas: kwargs for the panda function :func:`pn.read_csv` **kwargs: * update_surfaces (bool): If True add to the linked `Surfaces` object unique surface names read on the csv file * coord_x_name (str): Name of the header on the csv for this attribute, e.g for coord_x. Default X * coord_y_name (str): Name of the header on the csv for this attribute. Default Y * coord_z_name (str): Name of the header on the csv for this attribute. Default Z * coord_x_name (str): Name of the header on the csv for this attribute. Default G_x * coord_y_name (str): Name of the header on the csv for this attribute. Default G_y * coord_z_name (str): Name of the header on the csv for this attribute. Default G_z * azimuth_name (str): Name of the header on the csv for this attribute. Default azimuth * dip_name (str): Name of the header on the csv for this attribute. Default dip * polarity_name (str): Name of the header on the csv for this attribute. Default polarity * surface_name (str): Name of the header on the csv for this attribute. Default formation Returns: See Also: :meth:`GeometricData.read_data` """ coord_x_name = kwargs.get('coord_x_name', "X") coord_y_name = kwargs.get('coord_y_name', "Y") coord_z_name = kwargs.get('coord_z_name', "Z") g_x_name = kwargs.get('G_x_name', 'G_x') g_y_name = kwargs.get('G_y_name', 'G_y') g_z_name = kwargs.get('G_z_name', 'G_z') azimuth_name = kwargs.get('azimuth_name', 'azimuth') dip_name = kwargs.get('dip_name', 'dip') polarity_name = kwargs.get('polarity_name', 'polarity') surface_name = kwargs.get('surface_name', "formation") if kwargs_pandas is None: kwargs_pandas = {} if 'sep' not in kwargs_pandas: kwargs_pandas['sep'] = ',' if isinstance(table_source, pn.DataFrame): table = table_source else: table = pn.read_csv(table_source, **kwargs_pandas) if 'update_surfaces' in kwargs: if kwargs['update_surfaces'] is True: self.surfaces.add_surface(table[surface_name].unique()) if debug is True: print('Debugging activated. Changes won\'t be saved.') return table else: assert np.logical_or({coord_x_name, coord_y_name, coord_z_name, dip_name, azimuth_name, polarity_name, surface_name}.issubset(table.columns), {coord_x_name, coord_y_name, coord_z_name, g_x_name, g_y_name, g_z_name, polarity_name, surface_name}.issubset(table.columns)), \ "One or more columns do not match with the expected values, which are: \n" +\ "- the locations of the measurement points '{}','{}' and '{}' \n".format(coord_x_name,coord_y_name, coord_z_name)+ \ "- EITHER '{}' (trend direction indicated by an angle between 0 and 360 with North at 0 AND " \ "'{}' (inclination angle, measured from horizontal plane downwards, between 0 and 90 degrees) \n".format( azimuth_name, dip_name) +\ "- OR the pole vectors of the orientation in a cartesian system '{}','{}' and '{}' \n".format(g_x_name, g_y_name, g_z_name)+\ "- the '{}' of the orientation, can be normal (1) or reversed (-1) \n".format(polarity_name)+\ "- the name of the surface: '{}'\n".format(surface_name)+\ "Your headers are "+str(list(table.columns)) if inplace: # self.categories_df[table.columns] = table c = np.array(self._columns_o_1) orientations_read = table.assign(**dict.fromkeys(c[~np.in1d(c, table.columns)], np.nan)) self.set_orientations(coord=orientations_read[[coord_x_name, coord_y_name, coord_z_name]], pole_vector=orientations_read[[g_x_name, g_y_name, g_z_name]].values, orientation=orientations_read[[azimuth_name, dip_name, polarity_name]].values, surface=orientations_read[surface_name]) else: return table
[docs] def update_annotations(self): """ Add a column in the Dataframes with latex names for each input_data paramenter. Returns: """ orientation_num = self.df.groupby('id').cumcount() foli_l = [r'${\bf{x}}_{\beta \,{\bf{' + str(f) + '}},' + str(p) + '}$' for p, f in zip(orientation_num, self.df['id'])] self.df['annotations'] = foli_l return self
[docs] @staticmethod def get_orientation(normal): """Get orientation (dip, azimuth, polarity ) for points in all point set""" # calculate dip dip = np.arccos(normal[2]) / np.pi * 180. # calculate dip direction # +/+ if normal[0] >= 0 and normal[1] > 0: dip_direction = np.arctan(normal[0] / normal[1]) / np.pi * 180. # border cases where arctan not defined: elif normal[0] > 0 and normal[1] == 0: dip_direction = 90 elif normal[0] < 0 and normal[1] == 0: dip_direction = 270 # +-/- elif normal[1] < 0: dip_direction = 180 + np.arctan(normal[0] / normal[1]) / np.pi * 180. # -/- elif normal[0] < 0 >= normal[1]: dip_direction = 360 + np.arctan(normal[0] / normal[1]) / np.pi * 180. # if dip is just straight up vertical elif normal[0] == 0 and normal[1] == 0: dip_direction = 0 else: raise ValueError('The values of normal are not valid.') if -90 < dip < 90: polarity = 1 else: polarity = -1 return dip, dip_direction, polarity
[docs] @staticmethod def plane_fit(point_list): """ Fit plane to points in PointSet Fit an d-dimensional plane to the points in a point set. adjusted from: Args: point_list (array_like): array of points XYZ Returns: Return a point, p, on the plane (the point-cloud centroid), and the normal, n. """ points = point_list from numpy.linalg import svd points = np.reshape(points, (np.shape(points)[0], -1)) # Collapse trialing dimensions assert points.shape[0] <= points.shape[1], "There are only {} points in {} dimensions.".format(points.shape[1], points.shape[0]) ctr = points.mean(axis=1) x = points - ctr[:, np.newaxis] M =, x.T) # Could also use np.cov(x) here. # ctr = Point(x=ctr[0], y=ctr[1], z=ctr[2], type='utm', zone=self.points[0].zone) normal = svd(M)[0][:, -1] # return ctr, svd(M)[0][:, -1] if normal[2] < 0: normal = - normal return ctr, normal
@_setdoc_pro([SurfacePoints.__doc__, Orientations.__doc__, Grid.__doc__]) class ScalingSystem(object): """ Auxiliary class to rescale the coordinates between 0 and 1 to increase float stability. Attributes: df (:class:`pn.DataFrame`): Data frame containing the rescaling factor and centers surface_points (:class:`SurfacePoints`): [s0] orientations (:class:`Orientations`): [s1] grid (:class:`Grid`): [s2] Args: surface_points (:class:`SurfacePoints`): orientations (:class:`Orientations`): grid (:class:`Grid`): rescaling_factor (float): value which divide all coordinates centers (list[float]): New center of the coordinates after shifting """ def __init__(self, surface_points: SurfacePoints, orientations: Orientations, grid: Grid, rescaling_factor: float = None, centers: Union[list, pn.DataFrame] = None): self.axial_anisotropy = False self.max_coord = np.zeros(3) self.min_coord = np.zeros(3) self.axial_anisotropy_type = 'data' self.surface_points = surface_points self.orientations = orientations self.grid = grid self.df = pn.DataFrame(np.array([rescaling_factor, centers]).reshape(1, -1), index=['values'], columns=['rescaling factor', 'centers']) self.rescale_data(rescaling_factor=rescaling_factor, centers=centers) def __repr__(self): return self.df.T.to_string() def _repr_html_(self): return self.df.T.to_html() def toggle_axial_anisotropy(self, type='data'): self.axial_anisotropy_type = type self.axial_anisotropy = self.axial_anisotropy ^ True self.rescale_data() @_setdoc_pro([ds.centers, ds.rescaling_factor]) def modify_rescaling_parameters(self, attribute, value): """ Modify the parameters used to rescale data Args: attribute (str): Attribute to be modified. It can be: centers, rescaling factor * centers: [s0] * rescaling factor: [s1] value (float, list[float]) Returns: :class:`gempy.core.data_modules.geometric_data.Rescaling` """ assert np.isin(attribute, self.df.columns).all(), 'Valid attributes are: ' + np.array2string(self.df.columns) if attribute == 'centers': try: assert value.shape[0] == 3 self.df.loc['values', attribute] = value except AssertionError: print('centers length must be 3: XYZ') else: self.df.loc['values', attribute] = value return self @_setdoc_pro([ds.centers, ds.rescaling_factor]) def rescale_data(self, rescaling_factor=None, centers=None, axial_anisotropy=None ): """ Rescale inplace: surface_points, orientations---adding columns in the categories_df---and grid---adding values_r attributes. The rescaled values will get stored on the linked objects. Args: rescaling_factor: [s1] centers: [s0] Returns: """ xyz = self.concat_surface_points_orientations(self.surface_points.df[['X', 'Y', 'Z']], self.orientations.df[['X', 'Y', 'Z']]) # This is asking for XYZ parameters max_coord, min_coord = self.max_min_coord(xyz) if rescaling_factor is None: # This is asking for XYZ parameters self.df['rescaling factor'] = self.compute_rescaling_factor_for_0_1(max_coord=max_coord, min_coord=min_coord) else: self.df['rescaling factor'] = rescaling_factor if centers is None: # This is asking for XYZ parameters['values', 'centers'] = self.compute_data_center(max_coord=max_coord, min_coord=min_coord) else:['values', 'centers'] = centers self.set_rescaled_surface_points(axial_anisotropy=axial_anisotropy) self.set_rescaled_orientations(axial_anisotropy=axial_anisotropy) self.set_rescaled_grid(axial_anisotropy=axial_anisotropy) return True def compute_axial_anisotropy(self, type=None, extent=None): if type is None: type = self.axial_anisotropy_type if type == 'data': x1, y1, z1 = self.max_coord x0, y0, z0 = self.min_coord elif type == 'extent': if extent is None: extent = self.grid.regular_grid.extent x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1 = extent else: raise AttributeError('Type must be either data or extent') # Calculate average x_d = np.linalg.norm(x0-x1) y_d = np.linalg.norm(y0-y1) z_d = np.linalg.norm(z0-z1) mean_d = np.mean([x_d, y_d, z_d]) return np.array([mean_d/x_d, mean_d/y_d, mean_d/z_d]) def apply_axial_anisotropy(self, xyz, anisotropy): return xyz * anisotropy def get_rescaled_surface_points(self): """ Get the rescaled coordinates. return an image of the interface and orientations categories_df with the X_r.. columns Returns: :attr:`SurfacePoints.df[['X_c', 'Y_c', 'Z_c']]` """ return self.surface_points.df[['X_c', 'Y_c', 'Z_c']] def get_rescaled_orientations(self): """ Get the rescaled coordinates. return an image of the interface and orientations categories_df with the X_r.. columns. Returns: :attr:`Orientations.df[['X_c', 'Y_c', 'Z_c']]` """ return self.orientations.df[['X_c', 'Y_c', 'Z_c']] @staticmethod def concat_surface_points_orientations(surface_points_xyz=None, orientations_xyz=None) \ -> pn.DataFrame: """ Args: surface_points_xyz (:class:`pandas.DataFrame`): [s0] orientations_xyz (:class:`pandas.DataFrame`): [s1] Returns: """ if surface_points_xyz is None and orientations_xyz is not None: df = orientations_xyz elif surface_points_xyz is not None and orientations_xyz is None: df = surface_points_xyz elif surface_points_xyz is not None and orientations_xyz is not None: df = pn.concat([orientations_xyz, surface_points_xyz], sort=False) else: raise AttributeError('You must pass at least one Data object') return df @_setdoc_pro([SurfacePoints.__doc__, Orientations.__doc__]) def max_min_coord(self, df): """ Find the maximum and minimum location of any input data in each cartesian coordinate Args: df Returns: tuple: max[XYZ], min[XYZ] """ self.max_coord = df.max()[['X', 'Y', 'Z']] self.min_coord = df.min()[['X', 'Y', 'Z']] return self.max_coord, self.min_coord @_setdoc_pro([SurfacePoints.__doc__, Orientations.__doc__, ds.centers]) def compute_data_center(self, surface_points_xyz=None, orientations_xyz=None, max_coord=None, min_coord=None, inplace=True): """ Calculate the center of the data once it is shifted between 0 and 1. Args: surface_points_xyz (:class:`pandas.DataFrame`): [s0] orientations_xyz (:class:`pandas.DataFrame`): [s1] max_coord (float): Max XYZ coordinates of all GeometricData min_coord (float): Min XYZ coordinates of all GeometricData inplace (bool): if True modify the self.df rescaling factor attribute Returns: np.array: [s2] """ if max_coord is None or min_coord is None: max_coord, min_coord = self.max_min_coord(surface_points_xyz, orientations_xyz) # Get the centers of every axis centers = ((max_coord + min_coord) / 2).astype(float).values if inplace is True:['values', 'centers'] = centers return centers @_setdoc_pro([SurfacePoints.__doc__, Orientations.__doc__, ds.rescaling_factor]) def compute_rescaling_factor_for_0_1(self, surface_points_xyz=None, orientations_xyz=None, max_coord=None, min_coord=None, inplace=True): """ Calculate the rescaling factor of the data to keep all coordinates between 0 and 1 Args: surface_points_xyz (:class:`pandas.DataFrame`): [s0] orientations_xyz (:class:`pandas.DataFrame`): [s1] max_coord (float): Max XYZ coordinates of all GeometricData min_coord (float): Min XYZ coordinates of all GeometricData inplace (bool): if True modify the self.df rescaling factor attribute Returns: float: [s2] """ if max_coord is None or min_coord is None: max_coord, min_coord = self.max_min_coord(surface_points_xyz, orientations_xyz) rescaling_factor_val = (2 * np.max(max_coord - min_coord)) if inplace is True: self.df['rescaling factor'] = rescaling_factor_val return rescaling_factor_val @staticmethod @_setdoc_pro([SurfacePoints.__doc__, compute_data_center.__doc__, compute_rescaling_factor_for_0_1.__doc__, ds.idx_sp]) def rescale_surface_points(surface_points_xyz, rescaling_factor, centers=None, idx: list = None): """ Rescale inplace: surface_points. The rescaled values will get stored on the linked objects. Args: surface_points_xyz (:class:`pandas.DataFrame`): [s0] rescaling_factor: [s2] centers: [s1] idx (int, list of int): [s3] Returns: """ if idx is None: idx = surface_points_xyz.index # Change the coordinates of surface_points new_coord_surface_points = (surface_points_xyz.loc[idx, ['X', 'Y', 'Z']] - centers) / rescaling_factor + 0.5001 new_coord_surface_points.rename(columns={"X": "X_c", "Y": "Y_c", "Z": 'Z_c'}, inplace=True) return new_coord_surface_points @_setdoc_pro(ds.idx_sp) def set_rescaled_surface_points(self, idx: Union[list, np.ndarray] = None, axial_anisotropy=None): """ Set the rescaled coordinates into the surface_points categories_df Args: axial_anisotropy: idx (int, list of int): [s0] Returns: """ if idx is None: idx = self.surface_points.df.index idx = np.atleast_1d(idx) if axial_anisotropy is None: axial_anisotropy = self.axial_anisotropy if axial_anisotropy is False: surface_points_xyz = self.surface_points.df else: axial_anisotropy_scale = self.compute_axial_anisotropy() surface_points_xyz = self.apply_axial_anisotropy( self.surface_points.df[['X', 'Y', 'Z']], axial_anisotropy_scale) self.surface_points.df.loc[idx, ['X_c', 'Y_c', 'Z_c']] = self.rescale_surface_points( surface_points_xyz, # This is asking for XYZ parameters self.df.loc['values', 'rescaling factor'], self.df.loc['values', 'centers'], idx=idx) return self.surface_points.df.loc[idx, ['X_c', 'Y_c', 'Z_c']] def rescale_data_point(self, data_points: np.ndarray, rescaling_factor=None, centers=None): """This method now is very similar to set_rescaled_surface_points passing an index Notes: So far is not used by any function """ if rescaling_factor is None: rescaling_factor = self.df.loc['values', 'rescaling factor'] if centers is None: centers = self.df.loc['values', 'centers'] rescaled_data_point = (data_points - centers) / rescaling_factor + 0.5001 return rescaled_data_point @staticmethod @_setdoc_pro([Orientations.__doc__, compute_data_center.__doc__, compute_rescaling_factor_for_0_1.__doc__, ds.idx_sp]) def rescale_orientations(orientations_xyz, rescaling_factor, centers, idx: list = None): """ Rescale inplace: surface_points. The rescaled values will get stored on the linked objects. Args: orientations_xyz (:class:`pandas.DataFrame`): [s0] rescaling_factor: [s2] centers: [s1] idx (int, list of int): [s3] Returns: """ if idx is None: idx = orientations_xyz.index # Change the coordinates of orientations new_coord_orientations = (orientations_xyz.loc[idx, ['X', 'Y', 'Z']] - centers) / rescaling_factor + 0.5001 new_coord_orientations.rename(columns={"X": "X_c", "Y": "Y_c", "Z": 'Z_c'}, inplace=True) return new_coord_orientations @_setdoc_pro(ds.idx_sp) def set_rescaled_orientations(self, idx: Union[list, np.ndarray] = None, axial_anisotropy=None ): """ Set the rescaled coordinates into the surface_points categories_df Args: axial_anisotropy: idx (int, list of int): [s0] Returns: """ if idx is None: idx = self.orientations.df.index idx = np.atleast_1d(idx) if axial_anisotropy is None: axial_anisotropy = self.axial_anisotropy if axial_anisotropy is False: orientations_xyz = self.orientations.df else: axial_anisotropy_scale = self.compute_axial_anisotropy() orientations_xyz = self.apply_axial_anisotropy( self.orientations.df[['X', 'Y', 'Z']], axial_anisotropy_scale) self.orientations.df.loc[idx, ['X_c', 'Y_c', 'Z_c']] = self.rescale_orientations( orientations_xyz, self.df.loc['values', 'rescaling factor'], self.df.loc['values', 'centers'], idx=idx ) return self.orientations.df.loc[idx, ['X_c', 'Y_c', 'Z_c']] @staticmethod def rescale_grid(grid_extent, grid_values, rescaling_factor, centers: pn.DataFrame): new_grid_extent = (grid_extent - np.repeat(centers, 2)) / rescaling_factor + 0.5001 new_grid_values = (grid_values - centers) / rescaling_factor + 0.5001 return new_grid_extent, new_grid_values, def set_rescaled_grid(self, axial_anisotropy=None): """ Set the rescaled coordinates and extent into a grid object """ if axial_anisotropy is None: axial_anisotropy = self.axial_anisotropy # The grid has to be rescaled for having the model in scaled coordinates # between 0 and 1 but with the actual proportions self.grid.extent_r, self.grid.values_r = self.rescale_grid( self.grid.regular_grid.extent, self.grid.values, self.df.loc['values', 'rescaling factor'], self.df.loc['values', 'centers'] ) self.grid.regular_grid.extent_r, self.grid.regular_grid.values_r = self.grid.extent_r, self.grid.values_r # For the grid if axial_anisotropy is True: axial_anisotropy_scale = self.compute_axial_anisotropy() ani_grid_values = self.apply_axial_anisotropy( self.grid.values, axial_anisotropy_scale) axis_extended_l = self.apply_axial_anisotropy( self.grid.regular_grid.extent[[0, 2, 4]], axial_anisotropy_scale) axis_extended_r = self.apply_axial_anisotropy( self.grid.regular_grid.extent[[1, 3, 5]], axial_anisotropy_scale) ani_grid_extent = np.array([axis_extended_l[0], axis_extended_r[0], axis_extended_l[1], axis_extended_r[1], axis_extended_l[2], axis_extended_r[2]]) self.grid.extent_c, self.grid.values_c = self.rescale_grid( ani_grid_extent, ani_grid_values, self.df.loc['values', 'rescaling factor'], self.df.loc['values', 'centers'] ) else: self.grid.values_c = self.grid.values_r self.grid.extent_c = self.grid.extent_r return self.grid.values_c