import warnings
from typing import Optional
import numpy as np
from .grid_types import RegularGrid
from ....modules.grids.create_topography import _LoadDEMArtificial
from ....optional_dependencies import require_skimage
class Topography:
Object to include topography in the model.
This always assumes that the topography we pass fits perfectly the extent
def __init__(self, regular_grid: RegularGrid, values_2d: Optional[np.ndarray] = None):
self._mask_topo = None
self._regular_grid = regular_grid
# Values (n, 3)
self.values = np.zeros((0, 3))
# Values (n, n, 3)
self.values_2d = np.zeros((0, 0, 3))
# Shape original
self.raster_shape = tuple()
# Topography Resolution
self.resolution = np.zeros((0, 3))
# Source for the
self.source = None
# Coords
self._x = None
self._y = None
if values_2d is not None:
def from_subsurface_structured_data(cls, structured_data: 'subsurface.StructuredData', regular_grid: RegularGrid):
"""Creates a topography object from a subsurface structured data object
structured_data (subsurface.StructuredData): Structured data object
# Generate meshgrid for x and y coordinates
ds =
x_coordinates = ds['x']
y_coordinates = ds['y']
height_values = ds['topography']
return cls.from_arrays(regular_grid, x_coordinates, y_coordinates, height_values)
def from_unstructured_mesh(cls, regular_grid, xyz_vertices):
"""Creates a topography object from an unstructured mesh of XYZ vertices.
regular_grid (RegularGrid): The regular grid object.
xyz_vertices (numpy.ndarray): Array of XYZ vertices of the unstructured mesh.
# Perform Delaunay triangulation on the vertices
# Generate the regular grid points
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
x_regular, y_regular = np.meshgrid(
np.linspace(regular_grid.extent[0], regular_grid.extent[1], regular_grid.resolution[0]),
np.linspace(regular_grid.extent[2], regular_grid.extent[3], regular_grid.resolution[1]),
# Interpolate the z-values onto the regular grid
z_regular = griddata(
points=xyz_vertices[:, :2],
values=xyz_vertices[:, 2],
xi=(x_regular, y_regular),
fill_value=np.nan # You can choose a different fill value or method
# Reshape the grid for compatibility with existing structure
values_2d = np.stack((x_regular, y_regular, z_regular), axis=-1)
return cls(regular_grid=regular_grid, values_2d=values_2d)
def from_arrays(cls, regular_grid, x_coordinates, y_coordinates, height_values,):
x_vals, y_vals = np.meshgrid(x_coordinates, y_coordinates, indexing='ij')
# Reshape arrays for stacking
x_vals = x_vals[:, :, np.newaxis] # shape (73, 34, 1)
y_vals = y_vals[:, :, np.newaxis] # shape (73, 34, 1)
topography_vals = height_values.values[:, :, np.newaxis] # shape (73, 34, 1)
# Stack along the last dimension
result = np.concatenate([x_vals, y_vals, topography_vals], axis=2) # shape (73, 34, 3)
return cls(regular_grid=regular_grid, values_2d=result)
def extent(self):
return self._regular_grid.extent
def regular_grid_resolution(self):
return self._regular_grid.resolution
def x(self):
if self._x is not None:
return self._x
val = self.values[:, 0].copy()
return np.unique(val)
def y(self):
if self._y is not None:
return self._y
val = self.values[:, 1].copy()
return np.unique(val)
def set_values(self, values_2d: np.ndarray):
"""General method to set topography
values_2d (numpy.ndarray[float,float, 3]): array with the XYZ values
in 2D
# Original topography data
self.values_2d = values_2d
self.resolution = values_2d.shape[:2]
# n,3 array
self.values = values_2d.reshape((-1, 3), order='C')
return self
def topography_mask(self):
"""This method takes a topography grid of the same extent as the regular
grid and creates a mask of voxels
# * Check if the topography is the same as the cached one and if so, return the cached mask
if self._mask_topo is not None:
return self._mask_topo
# interpolate topography values to the regular grid
skimage = require_skimage()
regular_grid_topo = skimage.transform.resize(
output_shape=(self.regular_grid_resolution[0], self.regular_grid_resolution[1]),
# Adjust the topography to be lower by half a voxel height
# Assumes your voxel heights are uniform and can be calculated as the total height divided by resolution
voxel_height = * 2
regular_grid_topo = regular_grid_topo - voxel_height
# Reshape the Z values of the regular grid to 3d
values_3d = self._regular_grid.values[:, 2].reshape(self.regular_grid_resolution)
if regular_grid_topo.ndim == 3:
regular_grid_topo_z = regular_grid_topo[:, :, [2]]
elif regular_grid_topo.ndim == 2:
regular_grid_topo_z = regular_grid_topo
raise ValueError()
mask = np.greater(values_3d[:, :, :], regular_grid_topo_z)
self._mask_topo = mask
return self._mask_topo
def resize_topo(self):
skimage = require_skimage()
regular_grid_topo = skimage.transform.resize(
(self.regular_grid_resolution[0], self.regular_grid_resolution[1]),
anti_aliasing=False, preserve_range=True)
return regular_grid_topo
def load_random_hills(self, **kwargs):
warnings.warn('This function is deprecated. Use load_from_random instead', DeprecationWarning)
if 'extent' in kwargs:
self.extent = kwargs.pop('extent')
if 'resolution' in kwargs:
self.regular_grid_resolution = kwargs.pop('resolution')
dem = _LoadDEMArtificial(extent=self.extent,
resolution=self.regular_grid_resolution, **kwargs)
self._x, self._y = dem.x, dem.y
def save(self, path):, self.values_2d)
def load(self, path):
self._x, self._y = None, None
return self.values
def load_from_saved(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.load(*args, **kwargs)