Source code for gempy.API.faults_API

from typing import Union
import numpy as np

from import StackRelationType
from import GeoModel, StructuralFrame
from import StructuralGroup, FaultsRelationSpecialCase

[docs] def set_is_fault(frame: Union[GeoModel, StructuralFrame], fault_groups: Union[list[str], list[StructuralGroup]], faults_relation_type: FaultsRelationSpecialCase = FaultsRelationSpecialCase.OFFSET_FORMATIONS, change_color: bool = True) -> StructuralFrame: """ Sets given groups as fault in the structural frame of the GeoModel. It can optionally change the color of these groups. Args: frame (Union[GeoModel, StructuralFrame]): GeoModel or its StructuralFrame to be modified. fault_groups (Union[list[str], list[StructuralGroup]]): Groups to be set as faults. faults_relation_type (FaultsRelationSpecialCase, optional): Faults relation type to be set. Defaults to FaultsRelationSpecialCase.OFFSET_FORMATIONS. change_color (bool, optional): If True, changes the color of the fault groups. Defaults to True. Returns: StructuralFrame: The updated StructuralFrame object. """ if isinstance(frame, GeoModel): frame = frame.structural_frame frame = _find_and_set_fields( frame=frame, fault_groups=fault_groups, faults_relation_type=faults_relation_type, stack_relation_type=StackRelationType.FAULT, change_color=change_color ) # * TODO: Set the fault colors return frame
def unset_is_fault(frame: Union[GeoModel, StructuralFrame], fault_groups: Union[list[str], list[StructuralGroup]]) -> StructuralFrame: """ Unsets given groups as fault in the structural frame of the GeoModel. Args: frame (Union[GeoModel, StructuralFrame]): GeoModel or its StructuralFrame to be modified. fault_groups (Union[list[str], list[StructuralGroup]]): Groups to be unset as faults. Returns: StructuralFrame: The updated StructuralFrame object. """ if isinstance(frame, GeoModel): frame = frame.structural_frame frame = _find_and_set_fields( frame=frame, fault_groups=fault_groups, faults_relation_type=FaultsRelationSpecialCase.OFFSET_NONE, stack_relation_type=StackRelationType.ERODE, change_color=False ) return frame
[docs] def set_fault_relation(frame: Union[GeoModel, StructuralFrame], rel_matrix: np.ndarray) -> StructuralFrame: """ Sets the fault relations in the structural frame of the GeoModel. Args: frame (Union[GeoModel, StructuralFrame]): GeoModel or its StructuralFrame to be modified. rel_matrix (np.ndarray): Fault relation matrix to be set. Returns: StructuralFrame: The updated StructuralFrame object. """ if isinstance(frame, GeoModel): frame = frame.structural_frame frame.fault_relations = rel_matrix return frame
[docs] def set_is_finite_fault(self, series_fault=None, toggle: bool = True): """""" raise NotImplementedError s = self._faults.set_is_finite_fault(series_fault, toggle) # change df in Fault obj # change shared aesara variable for infinite factor self._interpolator.set_aesara_shared_is_finite() return s
# TODO: Move to a faults module def _find_and_set_fields(frame: StructuralFrame, fault_groups: list[StructuralGroup], faults_relation_type: FaultsRelationSpecialCase, stack_relation_type: StackRelationType, change_color: bool) -> StructuralFrame: for index, group in enumerate(fault_groups): if isinstance(group, str): group = next((g for g in frame.structural_groups if == group), None) if isinstance(group, StructuralGroup): group.structural_relation = stack_relation_type group.fault_relations = faults_relation_type # * Set the default fault relations if change_color: for element in group.elements: element.color = '#527682' else: raise ValueError(f"Could not find group '{group}' in structural frame.") return frame